Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Distance Healing Sessions 

I'd like to share a testimonial from a Mum who got some BodyTalk sessions for her young Son with me. We worked with him 'remotely' or from a distance, sometimes with her in my clinic acting as a 'surrogate' for the session, but not always. So at the time of his sessions, the boy could be with his Dad at home going about normal activities, with the Dad aware of the time the session was ocurring. This story is heartwarming for me because challenges like this can get so frustrating and distressing, for both the child and the parents, and it's so fantastic to see how when you balance the energy and get the body's communication systems 'back on line', issues clear up so easily and simply. Working with BodyTalk with children is an amazing experience, it's lots of fun and they are really receptive to the energy - but distance work is a great alternative so they don't have to be contained in a room or chased around! Of course, distance healing is also a great option for anyone who can't get to me, because of location or circumstance (eg in hospital or can't travel for any reason.)

Here's what the Mother has to say about the outcome of our distance healing work...

'My son was developing a stutter and I took him along to Tania to see if she could help in any way.  The very next day I noted a difference, and that stutter we were so worried about has nearly disappeared now.  It's just ceased to be an issue for us.  She found that there was a relationship between a crash C -section we had to birth him and his speech development.  Basically, something hadn't been 'switched on'.  How amazing is that!? I wish more people knew how easy it can be.'
Charlotte Squire
New Zealand

I think a personal experience like this shows how effective distance healing is, and there's also lots of great information on line or to read about distance healing, how and why it works etc, here's one article to start with for those who want more. http://realityshifters.com/pages/articles/researchconfirmsdh.html

Of course I am always happy to talk with anyone about how I can help them, so please feel free to phone and chat with me about it - 03 5256068 or send me an email: wellspringessences@gmail.com 

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